
Please note: If additional information is needed to make an appropriate referral, an EAP staff member may reach out to you via phone, even if you selected a secure email response. Those who selected secure email will receive an encrypted email with your provider referral information. You are responsible for setting an appointment with your provider. Our provider may reach out to you in the near future by phone or email. If you are unable to connect with your provider within three business days, please contact First Sun EAP at 800-968-8143.

Counseling New Referral

In order for us to help serve you, please let us know what preferences if any, you have as we seek to match you with a network counselor. While not always possible, we seek to match you, as best we can, according to your preferences

Counseling Same Counselor

Learn about your rights under HIPAA. Read about how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Click Here

Life Management

Please be aware that electronic communication via the internet cannot be guaranteed to be completely
free from potential breach of privacy and confidentiality. If security is a concern for you, please call us at
800-968-8143 or in the Columbia, SC area 803-376-2668.